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City Council Agenda 06-23-2011
“Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law, M.G.L. Chapter 39 §23B, and
City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033.”

A Regular Meeting of the City Council held in the Council Chamber on Thursday,

June 23, 2011 at 7:00 P.M., for the purpose of transacting any and all business.  Notice of
this meeting was posted on June 16, 2011 at 5:29 P.M.  This meeting is being taped and is

live on S.A.T.V.   

       Absent were:

       Council President Ryan presided.

Councillor                      moved to dispense with the reading of the record of the previous meeting.


 President Ryan requested that everyone please rise to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Testimony not to exceed 15 minutes
Name must be on roster 30 minutes prior to meeting
Agenda items only




Mayor’s reappointment of Kerri Carlton, 136 Leslie Rd., Rowley to serve as a Constable with a term to expire on June 8, 2014

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Received & Filed                                  VOTED


Transfer of $31,892.98 from “Human Resources – Collective Bargaining Reserve” to “Police Professional Development”

Councillor McCarthy             Move Approval                                   Voted

Appropriation of $26,562.62 in the “Retirement Stabilization Fund – Vacation/Sick Leave Buyback” account for the retirement of the following School Dept. employees:

Elaine Pare             School Dept.            $16,641.02
Cynthia Manning School Dept.              $9,921.60

Councillor                      Suspension of Rules     Councillor                      Object

Ref. to Committee on Administration                                                     Adopted
& Finance under the rules

Appropriation of $13,804.30 in the “Retirement Stabilization Fund – Vacation/Sick Leave Buyback” account for the retirement of Linda Dinisman employee of the School Dept.

Councillor                      Suspension of Rules     Councillor                      Object

Ref. to Committee on Administration                                                     Adopted
& Finance under the rules

Transfer of $9,500.37 from various Inspectional Services accounts to cover utility bill payments for remainder of fiscal year.

Printing                to      Oil Heat           925.00
DEP fees                to      Electricity     3,000.00

DEP fees                to      Telephone       4,625,37

Contracted Serv.        to      Telephone       950.00             

Councillor McCarthy             Moved  Approval                                 Voted

Appropriation of $7,788.93 from “Retained Earnings – Water Fund” to “Public Services – Vehicle Parts/Repairs”

Councillor                      Suspension of Rules     Councillor                      Object

Ref. to Committee on Administration                                                     Adopted
& Finance under the rules

Appropriation of $7,788.92 from “Retained Earnings – Sewer Fund” to “Public Services – Vehicle Parts/Repairs”

Councillor                      Suspension of Rules     Councillor                      Object

Ref. to Committee on Administration                                                     Adopted
& Finance under the rules

ORDER: To accept total donation of $6,750.00 for the Salem Police Department Summer Camp Donation Fund from the following:

        E.M.R. Drywall, Inc.               250.00
        City of Lynn                            3,000.00
        D.A.R.E. Mass Inc.              2,500.00
        Peabody Police Benevolent       1,000.00

Councillor                      Moved Adopted                                           Voted




Councillor McCarthy

ORDER: That the Year to Date Budget Report dated May 31, 2011 be referred to the Committee on Administration and Finance.

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR McCarthy                     Moved Approval                                  Voted

Councillor Ryan

ORDER: That the Committee of the Whole meet with Lisa Abbate for a presentation on a study by the Brattle Group regarding the Salem Power Plant closing and what clean up aspects they can be held accountable for.

Action contemplated

Councillor Ryan                         Moved Approval                                  Voted

Councillor Ryan

ORDER: Pricing recommendations from the Parking Study Working Group for the Parking Garages be approved.

Action contemplated

Councillor                              Moved Approval                                  Voted

Councillor O’Keefe

ORDINANCE: amending Traffic, Handicap Parking in front of #26 Belleau Road.

Action contemplated

Councillor O’Keefe                              Moved for first passage                         Voted


COUNCILLOR Lovely offered the following report for the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs regarding granting certain licenses and would recommend approval


PUBLIC GUIDES           Joanne Marie Wolf Tail “Rhiannon”, 370 Main St., Gloucester
                                Colleen O’Toole, 7 Union St., Salem
TAG DAYS                        S.H.S. Girls Soccer, September 25, 2011 and October 16, 2011
                                Disabled American Veterans, November 4, 5, and 6th, 2011

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR Lovely offered the following report for the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs co-posted with Committee of the Whole regarding an Ordinance amending Ch. 2 Sec. 502 regarding separate vote by Council for any tax increase up to 2 ½ % has considered said matter and would recommend approval with the following additional language and that the matter be sent to the City Solicitor for language for first passage

  • The City Council shall approve on or before the first Council meeting in February annually, by a separate majority vote.

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR Sargent offered the following report for the Committee on Community & Economic Development regarding the location and installation of a plaque commemorating the birthplace of General Glover has considered said matter and would recommend that the matter remain in committee.

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR Sargent offered the following report for the Committee on Community & Economic Development regarding naming an intersection as “Major General Steven Abbot Square” has considered said matter and would recommend that the City Solicitor draft the legal language necessary for the Council order and that it be located at the corner of Brown and New Liberty Streets. This corner will be dedicated Major General Steven Abbott Square.

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR Pinto offered the following report for the Committee on Public Health, Safety & Environment co-posted with Committee of the Whole regarding the status of proposed gas station located at 111 North Street has considered said matter and would recommend that the meeting be continued June 27, 2011 at 6:30 P.M.

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR Pinto offered the following report for the Committee on Public Health, Safety and Environment co-posted with Committee of the Whole regarding the status of the Harbormaster’s position has considered said matter and would recommend that the matter remain in committee.

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted
COUNCILLOR Ryan offered the following report for the Committee of the Whole regarding establishing a parking and traffic commission has considered said matter and would recommend that the matter remain in Committee.

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR Ryan offered the following report for the Committee of the Whole regarding the Comprehensive Parking Plan recommendation has considered said matter and would recommend that it be approved as amended by deleting Sunday meter enforcement and meter enforcement Monday through Saturday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM only.

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR Ryan offered the following report for the Committee of the Whole regarding the Traffic Ordinance amendments relative to the Comprehensive Parking Plan recommendation has considered said matter and would recommend first passage as amended by deleting Sunday meter enforcement and meter enforcement Monday through Saturday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM only.

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR Ryan offered the following report for the Committee of the Whole regarding a Public Hearing for the purpose of discussing making South Pine Street a one-way has considered said matter and would recommend that there be a trial period of 180 days as a one-way.

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR Lovely offered the following report for the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs co-posted with the Committee of the Whole regarding taxi fare increase has considered said matter and would recommend (meeting held after agenda deadline action unknown)

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted


Councillor McCarthy offered the following report for the Committee on Administration and Finance

Accept the report               Voted


Personnel                               $269,953.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses                  $ 90,000.00
                        Total                                   $359,953.00                             Voted

City Council

                        Personnel                               $119,700.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses            $52,627.00
                        Total                                   $172,327.00                             Voted


City Clerk

                        Personnel                               $251,256.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses              $7,000.00
                        Total                                   $258,256.00                             Voted

Elections & Registration

                        Personnel                               $97,166.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses          $50,100.00
                        Total                                    $147,266.00                            Voted


                        Personnel                               $253,055.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses            $26,177.00
                        Total                                   $279,232.00                             Voted


                        Personnel                               $199,412.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses              $6,500.00
                        Total                                   $205,912.00                             Voted

Data Processing

                        Information Technology/GIS
Personnel                               $153,550.00*     (cut 6,107.00)
                        Non personnel Expenses             $31,225.00

                        Fixed Costs                             $322,140.00


                        Total                                   $506,915.00                             Voted


Finance Department

                        Personnel                               $243,986.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses            $40,700.00
                        Total                                   $284,686.00                             Voted

Parking Department

                        Personnel                               $547,642.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses          $161,100.00
                        Total                                   $708,742.00                             Voted

Purchasing Dept.

                        Personnel                               $100,032.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses            $17,900.00    
                        Total                                      $117,932.00

                        Fixed Costs                               $51,254.00

                        Total                                   $169,186.00

                        Personnel                               $158,842.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses            $58,310.00
                        Total                                   $217,152.00

                        Debt Service                            $6,641,058.00

                        Short Term Debt.                             $35,000.00
                            NSRS/Charter/Choice         $1,601,211.00

                        State Assessment
                           Expenses                             $6,761,693.00

                        Contributory Retirement
                             Personnel Services         $8,765,223.00

                        Non Contributory Retirement          $87,675.00

                             Personnel Services            $768,282.00

                        Municipal Insurance
                             Non Personnel Expenses     $305,000.00

                        Total                                 $25,182,294.00


                        Personnel                               $209,542.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses            $58,400.00
                        Total                                   $267,942.00                             Voted


Human Resources

                        Personnel                                       $222,866.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses                    $29,950.00
                        Total                                           $252,816.00

                        Workmen’s Comp-Personnel                $445,000.00

                        Unemployment Comp-Personnel             $250,000.00

                        Group Insurance-Personnel                       $11,276,999.00

                        Total                                           $12,224,815.00          Voted

Fire Department

                        Personnel                                       $6,886,746.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses                     $374,064.00
                        Total                                           $7,260,810.00           Voted

Police Department

                        Personnel                                       $7,424,200.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses                     $482,145.00  
                        Total                                           $7,906,345.00           Voted


                        Personnel                                       $159,481.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses                    $43,730.00
                        Total                                           $203,211.00                     Voted

Public Property 

                        Inspectional Services
                        Building, Plumbing, Gas
    Personnel                                 $299,951.00
   Non Personnel Expenses              $24,700.00
                               Total                                 $324,651.00    

Zoning of Appeals
                            Personnel                                   $3,000.00
                            Non Personnel Expenses                 $550.00
                           Total                                        $3,550.00                       

                        Public Property         
                            Fixed Costs                       $685,885.00


                Total                                   $1,014,086.00                   Voted   

Health Dept.

                        Personnel                                       $344,000.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses                    $19,600.00
                        Total                                           $363,600.00                     Voted

Electrical Dept.

                        Personnel                                       $261,218.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses                  $772,000.00
                        Total                                           $1,033,218.00                   Voted

Planning Dept.

                        Personnel                               $206,290.00*  (cut 50,000)
                        Non Personnel Expenses              $7,275.00
                        Total                                   $213,565.00
                Conservation Commission
                        Personnel                               $25,056.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses               $425.00
                        Total                                   $25,481.00

                Planning Board
                        Personnel                               $23,931.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses            $3,000.00
                        Total                                   $26,931.00

                Market & Tourist Commission
                        Non Personnel Expenses          $196,375.00

                Historical Commission
                        Personnel                               $8,066.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses          $1,030.00
                        Total                                   $9,096.00

                        TOTAL                           $471,448.00                             Voted

Public Services Dept.

                Public Services
                        Personnel                               $1,515,566.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses             $523,741.00
                        Total                                      $2,039,307.00

                Snow & Ice
                        Personnel                                    $50,000.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses             $344,560.00
                        Total                                      $394,560.00

TOTAL                                                   $2,433,867.0                            Voted


                        Personnel                               $72,320.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses            $5,750.00
                        Total                                   $78,070.00

                        Total                                   $78,070.00                              Voted           

Recreation & Community Services Division

                        Personnel                               $335,754.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses          $151,610.00
                        Total                                   $487,364.00

                Golf Course
                        Personnel                               $262,706.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses            $99,500.00
                        Total                                   $362,206.00

Witch House
                        Personnel                                 $74,066.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses            $64,280.00
                        Total                                   $138,346.00

                Winter Island
                        Personnel                               $114,047.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses           $ 49,500.00
                        Total                                      $163,547.00

                        Total                                  $1,151,463.00                            Voted

Council on Aging

                        Personnel                               $242,267.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses            $30,100.00
                        Total                                   $272,367.00                             



                        Personnel                               $842,778.00*  (cut 27,009.00)
                        Non Personnel Expenses          $288,028.00

Total                                   $1,157,815.00                   Voted   


Veterans Services

                        Personnel                               $73,543.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses           $210,700.00

Total                            $284,243.00                            Voted

School Dept.
                        Administrative & Expenses

                        Total                                   $48,886,000.00                  


        Total                                                           $1,364,000.00



                Public Services Sewer
                        Personnel                               $254,827.00
                        Expenses                                $175,219.00
                        Total                                           $430,046.00

                        Personnel                               $178,687.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses          $187,200.00
                        Total                                   $356,887.00

                Debt Services                           $166,125.00

                Short Term Debt                                         --

                Sewer Assessment        SESD                    $6,140,989.00
                Insurance Deductibles                        $5,000.00

        TOTAL SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND:      $7,108,047.00

RCV                     YEAS            NAYS            ABS

  •            Moved for immediate reconsideration in the hopes it does not prevail


                        Public Services
                        Personnel                               $270,941.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses          $197,263.00
                        Total                                   $468,204.00

                        Personnel                               $178,687.00
                        Non Personnel Expenses          $348,845.00
                        Total                                   $527,532.00

                        Water Long Term Debt           $1,130,050.00

                        Water Short Term Debt                --
                        SBWSB Assessment               $2,403,095.00
                        Insurance Deductible               $2,500.00

                        TOTAL WATER ENTERPRISE FUND:      $4,531,381.00

RCV                     YEAS            NAYS            ABS

C.                      Moved for immediate reconsideration in the hopes it does not prevail


                Trash Enterprise
                        Personnel                                    $32,990.00
                        Non personnel Expenses          $2,706,991.00
                        Total                                   $2,739,981.00

TOTAL TRASH ENTERPRISE FUND:                    $2,739,981.00

RCV                     YEAS            NAYS            ABS

C.                      Moved for immediate reconsideration in the hopes it does not prevail


Total Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2011:    $______________________

                        RCV                     YEAS            NAYS            ABS

  •                     Moved for immediate reconsideration in the hopes it does not prevail

Communication from Chief Paul Tucker of the Police Department informing the Council of eligibility for FY2011 Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of $10,615.00

Councillor                              Moved Receive & File                                    Voted


Request from residents of Crescent Drive and Witchcraft Rd. to hold a block party on Saturday, August 20, 2011 from 11:00 A.M. to Midnight with a rain date of Sunday, August 21, 2011

Action Contemplated

COUNCILLOR Ryan                 Moved Granted                                   Voted

The Following Licenses:

PUBLIC GUIDES           Seth Kanner-Mascolo, 40 English St. #2, Salem
                                Thomas Raeber, 31 Chestnut St. #2, Gloucester
                                Amanda Tarver, 29 Raymond Rd., Salem
                                Aaron Magee, 1 Harbor St. #5, Salem
                                James Donaher, 18 Freeman Rd., Salem
                                David Gordon, 50 St. Peter St. #300, Salem
                                Sasha Kraichnan, 150 Pleasant St. #2, Marblehead
                                Sarah Horwitz, 60 Phillips St. #1, Boston

SEAWORM                 Jose Bettencourt, 54 Fulton St., Peabody

TAG DAY                 S.H.S. Football Boosters, July 30, 2011, Aug. 27, 2011 & Oct. 30, 2011

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Ref. to the Comm. on Ord.,                        VOTED
                                        Licenses & Legal Affairs


The Following Claims:

                                Ellen Soares, 54 Redington St. #5, Swampscott
                                Elizabeth Paquin, 13 Ocean Ter. #3, Salem
                                Scott O’Meara, 5 Porter Rd. A-3, Andover
                                Jennifer Close, 24 Highland Ave., Groveland
                                Kathi Crosby, 10 Hillview Dr., Groveland
                                William Griffith, 27 N. Shetland Rd., Danvers
                                Daniel Igo, 41 Washington Sq. N. #3, Salem
                                Elaine Schubert, 405 Lynnfield St., Peabody
                                Steve Smith, 30 Charter St., #1, Exeter, NH
                                Richard Smith, 375 Lafayette St. #3, Salem
                                Donna & Paul Moynihan, 18 Wisteria St., Salem                           
Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Refer to Comm. on Ord.,
                                        Licenses & Legal Affairs                                        Voted

The Following Bonds

SIGNS:                  All Creatures Veterinery, 20 Commercial St., Salem

Action Contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Refer to Comm. on Ord.,
                                        Licenses & Legal Affairs & Ret. Appvd                   Voted



SECOND PASSAGE - BOND ORDER in the amount of $4,022,500.00 for City of Salem Capital Improvement Projects

Councillor                              Moved adoption for second and final passage by roll call vote

                                                        YEAS            NAYS            ABSENT


SECOND PASSAGE – Ordinance amending Traffic, Handicap Parking, Limited Time, Ocean Avenue West

Councillor Pelletier                    Moved second and final passage                          Voted

SECOND PASSAGE – Ordinance amending Traffic, Handicap Parking, Limited Time, Essex Street

Councillor Sosnowski            Moved second and final passage                          Voted

SECOND PASSAGE – Ordinance amending Traffic, Handicap Parking, Limited Time, Irving Street

Councillor Prevey                       Moved second and final passage                          Voted

SECOND PASSAGE – Ordinance amending compensation of the School Committee Chapter 2, Section 2-956

Councillor Lovely                       Moved second and final passage                          Voted

        On the motion of COUNCILLOR                              the meeting adjourned at                 P.M.